Monday, November 16, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine-is it safe?

Recently, there has been a somewhat sigh of relief when the H1N1 vaccine emerged and was widely available. Many Americans rushed to get the shot, bringing their children along to get the shot with them. But two weeks ago I was in Albany Medical Hospital getting a mandatory physical so I could become a volunteer. The physical required that I get a seasonal flu shot and, if available, an H1N1 shot. While I was getting the flu shot, I asked the nurse if I was also getting the H1N1 shot, and she replied no and almost under her breath she said "you're better off without it". At the moment I didnt question her statement but it got me thinking, and I went ahead and checked up on the safety of the H1N1 vaccine.

One issue that I became aware of was the overall speed that the H1N1 vaccine reached the public. Most vaccines pass through a series of tests to ensure that it is relatively safe for the public of all ages. Natural News reported that "The FDA usually requires rigorous testing of any new drug, but concerns about the H1N1 pandemic has sped the vaccine through the channels without the same clinical testing as other vaccines. Even health care workers are concerned, as they are the first ones to receive the swine flu vaccine and will, in effect, be human guinea pigs."

In July of 2009, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that the H1N1 vaccine contained thimerosal, which is a mercury based additive which has been specifically removed from many other vaccines due to long-term side effects. In various websites and postings that I found, it was stated that thimerosal has been linked in causing autism and other neurological disorders. Representatives from the CDC have recently rejected the statements linking thimerosal to autism and any other long-term side effects. Many videos describing the effects of thimerosal on the brain are available on youtube.

The CDC also reported that the H1N1 vaccine contains squalene which is another additive not found in many vaccines. Squalene was last found in the vaccine given to Gulf War soldiers and is now known to be the main cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Gulf War Syndrome became present shortly after the war when veterans began experiencing a range of medically unexplained symptoms. These symptoms included chronic fatigue, loss of muscle control, headaches, dizziness and loss of balance, memory problems, muscle and joint pain, indegestion, skin problems, shortness of breath, and even insulin resistance. A sudden rise in Lou Gehrig's disease after the war has also been linked to the pressence of squalene in the Gulf War vaccine.

Recently, many medical facilities have forced their employees to get the H1N1 vaccine. These medical facilities are very serious about their employees getting the vaccine that if any employee refused to get the shot, he/she would lose their job. There was recently a variety of protests in front of the capital building in downtown Albany which included hundreds of health care workers who refused to receive the forced vaccination. These protestors believed that the vaccination was not properly tested and contained additives that were more harmful than H1N1 itself.

So, if you have gotten the shot already I would not be too concerned. But if you have not gotten the shot yet I would seriously consider researching what exactly is in the vaccination and what long-term effects it might have. I have yet to get the vaccination, I think I'll just take my chances.

1 comment:

  1. Nate3, one thing to note is that the H1N1 vaccine is available both WITH and WITHOUT the preservative thimerosal. And I wouldn't be too sure that your seasonal flu vaccine did not have it, as most of the preparations of this year's seasonal flu vaccine DO contain thimerosal as well.
